UX Writing Weekly #115

What’s on the horizon for the new year -
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Issue #115 (Jan. 20th, 2021 )
  • New UX writing webinar 🙋
  • Up your error writing game 🚫
  • UX challenges for 2021 💪
  • Per hour or per project? 🤔


☑️ Could your company use a little UX writing help? Want to work with dedicated UX writing students from around the world?

Our UX Writing Accelerator program helps companies and nonprofits get UX writing assistance from our UX Writing Academy students — win-win!

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🙋 As the first UX writer at CarNext.com, Don Seidenberg wrote multi-stage sales funnels that made it possible to buy, finance, and lease cars totally online. Currently, he is working on a new streetwear app for Adidas.

Don will share his thoughts on how he designs conversations. Topics include:

  • How UX writing differs from copywriting
  • What writers can learn from wayfinding
  • How copywriters can evolve into UX writers
  • How to make conversation part of the customer journey
  • How words make interactions more meaningful

There will be a fun writing task and even a competition. Sign up now!


🚫 Whenever you write an error message, be sure to add as much technical jargon as possible and put the blame on your loser users who keep messing up your perfect product. Or, you know, maybe don’t do that.

Here’s what to do instead:

Best 10 examples and Guidelines for Error Messages

💪 2020 and COVID-19 accelerated many digital industries: from fashion, groceries, education, and more. See what challenges await us in these and other fields in 2021.

10 UX challenges to solve in 2021

🤔 Join the discussion in our Facebook group, and if you haven’t already, fill out our salary survey! Your anonymous answers will help the community earn a fair rate — hourly or otherwise.

To the salary survey!

Here’s a nice onboarding welcome screen from Salesflare. Clear, succinct, and on-brand.


🎨 Meet Paul Vogel, Content Strategy Director at Droga5, and named as one of the 100 most innovative people in media.

Lots of interesting projects here: from Harleys to Huggies, mattresses and more.



🐞 Looks like they had a good week at Memrise:


👔 Ever hear of a newspaper called The New York Times? Yeah, us either, but turns out they're hiring a UX writer. Why? Because they too have come to understand that different types of writers fill different types of roles.

So whether you’re looking to hire or be hired:

Sign up to our UX Writers Talent Pool. Get seen first by top tech recruiters.


📤 Thanks for being a loyal reader. If you like our newsletter, share it with all the UXers and product people you know. Help us spread the word about the value of UX writing.

👉 https://uxwritinghub.com/newsletter 👈 (I’m a link! Copy me, paste me.)

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See you next week!


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  • UX writing processes 
  • Testing
  • Research
  • Best practices